
Wednesday 6 February 2013

"The One with the Waggly Tail"

Yes! How much IS that rifle in the window?

That's right - I say rifle, not doggy - on account of the fact that this particular entry concerns the murder weapon in the case of Jeremy Bamber rather than fluffy petfolk.

Anyway - I ask how much is that rifle in the window, cos it was clearly hot property and in demand - everyone wanted to hold it, though no one would own up to it of course!

Allow me to do some explaining for you.

The truth: Jeremy Bamber's sister, Sheila, after killing her entire family, took her own life. She shot herself once, in the soft tissue of her neck, but was not killed outright and the case pathologist stated she would have been able to stand and walk. While found unconscious by the Police in the kitchen, she fled while the Police were searching the rest of the huge farmhouse and went upstairs where she would later fire a second shot which killed her instantly. Fully aware that she had killed herself, but also knowing that there was no way it could get out that they mistook her for dead in the kitchen when she was in fact still alive, Police re-staged the scene so it reflected suicide. A small manipulation of the truth in of itself - the suicide still stood - and from here the Police were fine. They photographed her and decided that  it might be nice to get in some Police training and drafted in many more unidentified individuals and officers to practise how an officer might remove a gun from a dead body. All shockingly disrespectful to the dead relative of Jeremy Bamber.

What they'll have you believe: Jeremy Bamber killed each member of his family, Sheila included. Sheila was never found in the kitchen at any stage and was only found in the bedroom (either on the floor or on the bed depending on which log/notebook you read - dead bodies move in the crazy, wacky Police world, you see). It was Jeremy who re-staged the scene to make it look as if Sheila had killed herself so he could get away with murder. Neither her body nor the murder weapon were moved at any time.

How we know version one is "the truth."

The murder weapon, they say, was never off the body of Sheila.

Kay then. What's it doing by this window, then?

 Oh no wait - mere frames earlier in the Police film (seconds or minutes in real time - photos would have been taken at a mass rate for a family murder-suicide), this photo shows it's actually not by the window. We must have imagined it was ever then shown to be by the window. It was on the body the whole time, yes.

In some strange way I almost wish I was making this stuff up - I wish it was me inventing this information and just telling you about it - but these are Police photos - it is the Police logs that record Sheila was found downstairs and it is the Police who maintain neither she nor the gun were moved once they were inside. 

You don't have to take my word for it - the evidence is there. Jeremy Bamber is innocent, and the Police know it.

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